Edison Partners

Edison Partners is a private equity firm whose primary focus is on financially supporting companies in their growth stage, as well as offering non-monetary resources. The firm's strategy includes direction from experts who have a proven track record in similar businesses and highly customized plans. The company specializes in financial technology, healthcare IT, and vertical SaaS, targeting businesses outside Silicon Valley that generate revenue between $10-30 million. Edison Partners currently manage $1.7 billion in assets.
Firm Website

Edison Partners Profile

All Strategies: Growth
Headquarters: Princeton, NJ
Edison Partners Email Format: (f)(last)@edisonpartners.com
Please note: firm profiles are in beta and data may be inaccurate

Investor Type


LTM Investments


LTM Exits

Edison Partners RETURNS BY FUND

Fund size displayed in millions; returns metrics are net of fees

Edison Partners RECENT EXITS


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