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Kohlberg & Company Profile

Founded in 1987, Kohlberg & Company is a private equity firm based in Mount Kisco, New York. The firm typically invests in middle market businesses, primarily focusing on leveraged buyout transactions involving acquisitions of privately held companies, take-private transactions, and carveouts.

Firm Overview

Kohlberg & Company Email Format:
Mount Kisco, NY
Buyout, Growth

Kohlberg & Company Trended Fund Data

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Kohlberg & Company Returns by Fund

(Latest available fund marks; returns metrics net of fees and expenses; fund size in billions)

Kohlberg Investors VIII, L.P. 2017Mar. '23$3.5100.0%23.0%
Kohlberg Investors IX, L.P. 2020Mar. '23$3.578.1%31.0%
Kohlberg Investors VII, L.P. 2012Sep. '22$2.5100.0%16.0%0.01.7
Kohlberg Investors VI, L.P. 2007Sep. '22$2.091.0%16.0%
Kohlberg Investors IV, L.P.2001Jul. '21$0.39.0%