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Oaktree Capital Management Profile

Oaktree Capital Management is a global asset management firm, co-founded in 1995, that specializes in alternative investments with a focus on an opportunistic, value-oriented, and risk-controlled approach across credit, real estate, and both private and listed equities. As of September 2023, the firm has approximately $183 billion in assets under management and operates out of 21 global offices.

Firm Overview

Oaktree Capital Management Email Format:
Los Angeles, CA
Buyout, Credit, Special Situations

Oaktree Capital Management Trended Fund Data

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Oaktree Capital Management Returns by Fund

(Latest available fund marks; returns metrics net of fees and expenses; fund size in billions)

Oaktree European Principal Fund III (US)2011Mar. '246.4%1.5
Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX2013Mar. '248.1%1.8
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII2009Mar. '249.1%1.5
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIIIb2011Mar. '248.2%1.7
Oaktree Opportunities Fund X2015Mar. '249.1%1.5
Oaktree Opportunities Fund Xb2018Mar. '2412.6%1.6
Oaktree Opportunities Fund XI2020Mar. '2411.2%1.2
Oaktree Principal Fund V2009Mar. '241.5%1.1
OCM Opportunities Fund1995Mar. '2410.3%1.6
OCM Opportunities Fund II1997Mar. '248.4%1.5
OCM Opportunities Fund III1999Mar. '2412.0%1.5
OCM Opportunities Fund IVb2002Mar. '2446.5%1.6
OCM Opportunities Fund V2004Mar. '2414.2%1.6
OCM Opportunities Fund VI2005Mar. '248.7%1.6
OCM Opportunities Fund VII2007Mar. '247.3%1.4
OCM Opportunities Fund VIIb2008Mar. '2416.5%1.7
OCM Principal Opportunities Fund1996Mar. '245.4%1.4
OCM Principal Opportunities Fund II2001Mar. '2418.3%1.6
OCM Principal Opportunities Fund III2003Mar. '249.5%1.5
OCM Principal Opportunities Fund IV2006Mar. '248.8%1.7
Oaktree European Principal Fund III, L.P.2011Jun. '23$3.00.0%7.0%1.61.1
Oaktree Value Opportunities Fund, L.P.2011Jun. '23$16.00.0%4.0%1.40.6
Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%7.8%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%9.1%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII-B, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%8.1%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund X, L.P.Jun. '2393.0%9.8%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund Xb, L.P.Jun. '2375.0%14.8%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund XI, L.P.Jun. '2385.0%13.3%
Oaktree Principal Fund V, L.P.Jun. '2391.9%3.4%
OCM Opportunities Fund II, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%8.5%1.51.5
OCM Opportunities Fund III, L.P.Jun. '23104.0%11.9%1.51.5
OCM Opportunities Fund IV, L.P.Jun. '23107.5%28.0%1.61.6
OCM Opportunities Fund V, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%14.0%1.71.7
OCM Opportunities Fund VI, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%8.8%1.61.6
OCM Opportunities Fund VII, L.P.Jun. '23100.0%7.3%
OCM Opportunities Fund VII-B, L.P.Jun. '2390.0%16.5%
OCM Opportunities Fund, LPJun. '23105.0%10.2%1.61.6
OCM Principal Opportunities Fund IV, LPJun. '23105.0%8.8%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund Xb, L.PMar. '2370.0%14.7%
Oaktree Power Opportunities Fund III, L.P. 2011Dec. '22$2.092.8%13.0%
Oaktree Real Estate Debt Fund III, L.P. 2020Dec. '22$1.138.0%10.0%
Oaktree Real Estate Debt Fund II, L.P. 2017Dec. '22$1.066.4%7.0%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIIIB, L.P.2011Dec. '22$4.7100.0%8.1%1.20.4
OCM Opportunities Fund VIIB, L.P.2008Dec. '22$3.690.0%16.5%1.70.0
Oaktree Loan Fund 2X, LP2007Sep. '22$2.0100.0%2.7%1.1
OCM Opportunities Fund VII L.P.2007Sep. '22$1.0100.0%7.0%
OCM Opportunities Fund VIIb L.P.2008Sep. '22$1.094.7%17.0%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund XI, L.P. 2020Jun. '22$15.045.0%23.0%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund Xb, L.P. 2015Jun. '22$3.560.0%17.0%
Oaktree Opportunities Fund X, L.P. 2015Jun. '22$10.393.0%10.0%
Oaktree Real Estate Debt III, L.P. 2020Jun. '22$1.121.3%17.0%
Oaktree Capital Magement, LLC Jun. '2232.2%81.0%
Oaktree Real Estate Opportunities Fund VIII 2020Jun. '2232.2%81.0%
Oaktree Special Situations Fund III, L.P. 2022Jun. '22$2.50.0%0.0%0.00.0
Oaktree Special Situations Fund, L.P. 2014Jun. '22$1.0100.0%3.0%
Oaktree Opportunities VIII2009Jun. '229.1%
Oaktree Special Situations Fund II, L.P. 2018Jun. '22$2.559.7%82.0%
Oaktree European Principal Fund III U.S.2011Jun. '2273.8%7.0%
OCM Opportunities Fund VIIb, L.P.2007Jun. '22$2.376.9%16.0%
OCM Opportunities Fund IV2001Jun. '22100.0%28.0%
OCM Opportunities Fund, L.P.Jun. '22100.0%14.0%1.71.7
Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII?B2010Jul. '21$3.56.0%