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Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners Profile

Founded in New York with additional global offices, Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners is an alternative investment firm focused on infrastructure and real assets for clients such as pension funds and endowments. Stonepeak's 121-person team has made 56 investments worldwide in businesses operating in 61 countries, with an emphasis on sectors that promote efficient global movement of goods and people, such as cold storage and logistics, and on sustainability and carbon emission reduction.

Firm Overview

Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners Email Format:
New York, NY

Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners Trended Fund Data

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Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners Returns by Fund

(Latest available fund marks; returns metrics net of fees and expenses; fund size in billions)

Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund20128.7%
Stonepeak IS IV 2020Mar. '2345.0%800.0%
Stonepeak Patagonia (CoInvest) Holdings LP2021Mar. '2324.6%0.00.0
Stonepeak Asia Infrastructure Fund20217.3%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund IV LPJun. '23$7.239.3%
Stonepeak Global Renewables Fund LPJun. '23$1.319.9%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund IV, L.P.2021Mar. '23$7.29.0%0.00.0
Stonepeak Tiger (CoInvest) Holdings (IB) LP2021Mar. '230.6%0.00.0
Stonepeak Real Estate Partners LP2023Mar. '2312.5%
Stonepeak Claremont Co?Invest2017Jun. '2217.8%
Stonepeak Spear (Co?Invest) Holdings2018Jun. '2217.0%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners II2015Jun. '2213.8%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund III201815.6%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund III LPJun. '23$7.2100.0%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund II201513.4%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Credit Fund I201810.9%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners IV2020Jun. '
Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund IV20207.9%
Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners III2017Jun. '2221.6%