Venture Strategy Partners

Venture Strategy Partners (VSP) is a San Francisco-based venture capital firm which specializes in early-stage investments, primarily in the technology and software sector within the United States. Initial investments typically range up to $5 million, with the aim of investing a total of $7-$10 million per company, and as of October 1, 2023, VSP's portfolio consists of 3 companies funded by 6 investors.

Venture Strategy Partners Profile

All Strategies:
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Venture Strategy Partners Email Format: n/a
Please note: firm profiles are in beta and data may be inaccurate

Investor Type


LTM Investments


LTM Exits

Venture Strategy Partners RETURNS BY FUND

Fund size displayed in millions; returns metrics are net of fees

Venture Strategy Partners RECENT TRANSACTIONS
Venture Strategy Partners RECENT EXITS


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