Arctos Partners

Arctos Partners is a Dallas-based private investment firm that specializes in the professional sports industry. The firm aims to add value to global sports franchises with its unique investment strategy, with a focus on leveraging opportunities for growth and providing liquidity solutions to complex problems in historically inefficient markets. The firm's strategy involves operational support, long-term partnership, data-driven research, and capital solutions for these franchises.
Firm Website

Arctos Partners Profile

All Strategies: Buyout, Growth
Headquarters: Dallas, TX
Arctos Partners Email Format: (first).(last)
Please note: firm profiles are in beta and data may be inaccurate

Investor Type


LTM Investments


LTM Exits

Arctos Partners RETURNS BY FUND

Fund size displayed in millions; returns metrics are net of fees

Arctos Partners RECENT EXITS


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